Canker Sores: A Natural Relief With Home Remedies

Canker sore, a form of mouth ulcer, is quite common than you may think. Don’t underestimate the small size, as it can cause severe pain. They can develop in different areas of the mouth. Some of the most common areas are on the tongue, lips, cheeks and the surface of the gum. You may notice an open sore surrounded by red a inflamed area. Certain changes in your body can encourage the development of canker sores. These can be things such as food allergies, stress, vitamin deficiency or changes in your hormones. Thankfully, you can get rid of the pain with the use of natural home remedies.

Lysine Remedy

Researchers have determined that lysine, which is an amino acid, is commonly used to treat cold sores and canker sores. Although lysine can be found in certain types of food, taking a supplement will do a better job at healing these pesky sores. Many health practitioners and dentists recommend the use of lysine for faster healing or even to prevent them from coming back. The dosage that is needed varies from person to person, but most people take 1000mg daily. Lysine is inexpensive, but is very effective.

Buttermilk Home Treatment

Using buttermilk to switch your mouth when you have canker sores is another simple and inexpensive home remedy. To get the maximum benefit, keep it in your mouth for a few minutes. You should also eat products that contain acidophilus, such as yogurt. The plain yogurt is more beneficial.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is yet another simple home remedy that you can use to get rid of canker sores. You can apply it in the powder form or make a paste by mixing it with a few drops of water. Some people have found success by mixing a solution of baking soda and water, then swish it around in their mouth to get fast relief.

Infertility: Reverse it With Herbal Remedies

Many couples are affected by infertility each year. It does not only affect women, but also men. Both women and men can be infertile, which can be caused by various factors. Women may not be able to become pregnant if they have ovulation problems, blocked fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids or any other issues. In some cases, there are no known reasons why pregnancy is not occurring. Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat infertility in both male and female. Some couples have successfully reversed infertility with the use of these natural herbs.

Rivina Humilis Herb for Blocked Tubes

The Rivina humilis herb, otherwise known as “dog blood” in places such as Jamaica, has been used to treat female infertility issues such as blocked tubes. Many women who used it, claimed that their tubes were cleared after they were diagnosed with blocked fallopian tubes. When used correctly, it is known to clean up the womb, making it a more friendly environment for conception.

Chinese Herbs to Boost Fertility

Increase your chances of getting pregnant by taking Chinese herbal remedies. There are different types of Chinese infertility treatment that can be used based on each individual’s needs. Some women have successfully become pregnant with the use of acupuncture and Chinese herb formulas. These natural alternative treatments can correct conditions such as tissue blockage in the fallopian tube, endometriosis or fibroid. Certain Chinese herbs can also reverse sterility in men by increasing their sperm count and improving the motility of sperm.

Evening Primrose Oil for Cervical Mucus

Take Evening primrose oil to increase your cervical mucus as well as the quality. This will help you to conceive much easier. This is one of the most popular herbal supplements that is used for female hormonal imbalance and infertility.

Razor Bumps: Prevention and Cure at Home

Razor bumps, an unsightly and painful condition, occurs as a result of shaving. Both men and women can be affected by them, but men are the most to suffer, especially those who have curly or coarse hair. When the hair curl back into the skin and starts to grow, it causes irritation and inflammation. Due to this inflammation, small pimples and extreme scarring can appear on the skin. This is a frustrating situation because shaving is a must for most men, unless they decide to resort to alternative methods. Shaving doesn’t have to be a nightmare, as there are numerous ways to prevent the side effects that are quite common. You can also safely use simple home remedies to heal the skin faster.

Taking a Break

Before you start your home treatment for razor bumps, you need to pause shaving until the bumps are better. It is recommended that you wait at least three days while your skin goes through the healing process. In cases when you must shave, substitute razors for an electric shaver. Tips to remember: use a clean tweezers to release the hair that is curled back into the skin. You should never pick or squeeze the bumps because they will get out of control and cause infection.

Preventing Razor Bumps

There are some simple measures that you can take to prevent razor bumps. Dampen your hair with water before shaving or you can shave after coming out the shower. The water softens the hair, which helps to eliminate bumps. Applying a good shaving cream a few minutes before shaving can also make a big difference. To prevent the hair from curling back under the skin, avoid stretching your skin while shaving.

Razor Bumps Home Remedies

Get rid of razor bumps by making a paste with water and baking soda. Apply the mixture to the affected area of the skin. Baking soda will soothe and soften the skin, while helping to heal the razor bumps faster. Leave the baking soda paste on your skin for a few minutes until it is dry. Wash it off your skin and pat dry with a clean towel. This is an effective home remedy that can be used as needed.