Canker Sores: A Natural Relief With Home Remedies

Canker sore, a form of mouth ulcer, is quite common than you may think. Don’t underestimate the small size, as it can cause severe pain. They can develop in different areas of the mouth. Some of the most common areas are on the tongue, lips, cheeks and the surface of the gum. You may notice an open sore surrounded by red a inflamed area. Certain changes in your body can encourage the development of canker sores. These can be things such as food allergies, stress, vitamin deficiency or changes in your hormones. Thankfully, you can get rid of the pain with the use of natural home remedies.

Lysine Remedy

Researchers have determined that lysine, which is an amino acid, is commonly used to treat cold sores and canker sores. Although lysine can be found in certain types of food, taking a supplement will do a better job at healing these pesky sores. Many health practitioners and dentists recommend the use of lysine for faster healing or even to prevent them from coming back. The dosage that is needed varies from person to person, but most people take 1000mg daily. Lysine is inexpensive, but is very effective.

Buttermilk Home Treatment

Using buttermilk to switch your mouth when you have canker sores is another simple and inexpensive home remedy. To get the maximum benefit, keep it in your mouth for a few minutes. You should also eat products that contain acidophilus, such as yogurt. The plain yogurt is more beneficial.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is yet another simple home remedy that you can use to get rid of canker sores. You can apply it in the powder form or make a paste by mixing it with a few drops of water. Some people have found success by mixing a solution of baking soda and water, then swish it around in their mouth to get fast relief.