The Natural Secret to Making Your Dreads Fluffy

Fluffy 2-Strand Twist Dreads
Fluffy 2-Strand Twist Dreads

The appearance of your dreads tells a story about the way you treat them. To achieve fluffy dreadlocks, you have to put the right products in them so that they  can maintain their healthiness. When your locs is soft and fluffy, they fall more naturally and radiates beauty. With just a few simple natural products, you can be on your way to achieving a beautiful, lively crown of locs.

What Does Moisture Do for Your Dreads?

Moisturizing your dreadlocks is a very important step towards achieving and maintaining soft, fluffy locs. You don’t have to full your hair with a lot of products to get that fluffy look. Just choosing one or two natural hair-care products will do the trick.

You can simply mix distilled water with essential oils as a natural moisturizer for your hair. The water will make your hair look plump and lively. Water is essential for your dreads. If you’re not adding daily spritz to your hair-care regimen, you’re missing out on a lot of great benefits. It’s like having a plant and not watering it. With no water, it will eventually dry up and die.

Mixing Oils for Fluffier Dreads

Take for example, castor oil, a popular carrier oil, can be added to another oil such as organic virgin coconut oil, and maybe a few drops of lavender essential oil to give it a nice smell. Castor oil is one of the most top-rated oil that you can use in your dreadlocks. It softens your hair, moisturize it, and promote fast hair-growth.

How to use Castor Oil in Dreadlocks

When using black castor oil for your dreads, you have to use a certain method to prevent stickiness. Never use only castor oil in your hair. Always mix it with an essential oil or some other oils such as olive oil, jojoba, almond oil, or coconut oil. These oils will thin out the castor oil so that it’s not sticky.

Also, when using castor oil, apply it to your scalp while  massaging it in. The scalp is like the roots of a tree where the nutrients goes to provide food for your locs.

Using Aloe Vera Gel For Fluffy Locs

Another super natural treatment that you can use at home for fluffier dreads, is the famous Aloe Vera plant. The gel from the plant makes your hair soft and shiny. You can either buy Organic Aloe Vera gel or use the gel from the raw Aloe Vera plant.

To use the plant the correct way that will ensure you get the most from it, wash and slice a piece of the Aloe. Scrape out the clear gel substance. Most times it will look clear and slippery, without any clumps in it. If there’s clumps, you’ll have to blend it or pound it until it becomes slippery.

Drop some lavender essential oil or any oil of your choice, then mix them together. Massage the mixture onto your scalp and your hair (gel should be clear without clumps from the plant).  With regular use of this mixture, you’ll start to see the difference in the texture of your natural locs. It will be much more softer and fluffier.

Solutions to Naturally Soothing Your Ingrown Hair Pain

Dealing with ingrown hair is a common and painful problem a lot of men and women endure on a regular basis. Not only is it painful, but also unsightly. Ingrown hair can affect any ethnicity, but it seems to mostly affect African Americans or anyone with thick, curly hair, more harshly. The good news is that you don’t have to keep struggling to get your skin smooth and pain-free again. With the help of these natural remedies, you’ll get the much needed relief you deserve.

Finding the Remedy for Razor Bumps

Some of these natural healing remedies that are listed may already be in your kitchen. Why not try them out and see if they work for your ingrown hair problems. Even if you don’t have them readily available, you may be able to find them quite easily.

Aloe Vera For Razor Bumps or Ingrown Hair

Get back your skin to its normal texture with the use of Aloe Vera. Aloe is a top-rated medicinal plant that has various health benefits. It is well-known and recommended for this condition because of its soothing and healing properties. This natural remedy is the best thing to soothe irritation and inflammation of the skin. Before using Aloe Vera for ingrown hair, you should test a little of the clear gel on the inner part of your arm. If no rash develops, then you’re good to go.

Prevention is also a good way to actually getting to the point of you not having to deal with razor bumps. Prep before shaving by applying the Aloe Vera gel to the area that you’re about to shave. This will help to provide moisture to your skin and prevent irritation.

Getting Rid of Ingrown Hair in Hidden Places

Unfortunately, ingrown hair doesn’t always develop in visible areas such as the beard and other facial regions, they also appear in other areas such as the bikini line and pubic area. When the hair starts to grow back, it sometimes curls back under the skin and becomes inflamed, sometimes even developing pus-filled bumps.

Baking Soda to Treat Razor Bumps

Get some aluminum-free baking soda and apply it to the area with the razor bumps. You’ll have to make a paste to apply it properly. Do this by dropping a few drops of water to make a paste. The baking soda paste will help the inflammation and irritation with its mild effects.

Choosing the Right Razor Blades

To prevent ingrown hair from affecting you again, you should make some changes such as purchasing razor blades that are designed for your skin-type. For African American skin type or anyone with thick curly hair, purchase the Bump Fighter Men’s Disposable Razors. These are known to help tremendously in preventing razor burns or razor bumps.

The Magical Aloe Vera: Shrink Under-eye Bags in the Blink of an Eye

20170625_094144Whether you’re a man or a woman you may find yourself having to deal with puffiness of the eyes or dark circles, which can make you look tired all the time. You may have tried a ton of beauty products, but all in vain. Well, as simple as it may sound, natural alternatives are here to rescue you from these unsightly under-eye bags. Although it may sound too good to be true, Aloe Vera does work like magic. That’s how powerful this humble plant is.

The use of Aloe Vera, AKA Lily of the Desert, did not just come into existence. It was around for centuries, being used by the Egyptians. The drawings of the Aloe plant has been seen on tombstones. The aim was to provide a peaceful existence until their loved ones are reborn. Those  carvings ties in well with what the plant was commonly known as in ancient times, the plant of immortality.

Aloe Vera is a versatile plant that can be used as an alternative remedy for a host of conditions, whether it’s for hair-loss, burn treatment, or puffiness of the eyes. This unique prickly plant is packed with a number of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which is essential for healthy eyes.

How to use Aloe for Dark Circles and Baggy Eyes

The best way to use Aloe Vera for baggy eyes, is to apply it under and around the eyes, or better yet, just apply it to your whole face, making sure to put an ample amount around the baggy areas of  your eyes. It also is effective in eliminating dark circles under the eyes. If you have the actual plant, just slice it and use a spoon to scrape out the clear gel, then apply it to the affected area.

Should You Wash Off Aloe Vera After Applying it?

Some people wash it off their face after letting it sit for about 25 to 30 minutes, but that’s not necessary. You can leave it on overnight so that it soaks in while you sleep. You’ll notice that when you wake up, the puffiness under your eyes is barely noticeable.

How Often Should You Use Aloe For Under-eye Bags?

You can use natural Aloe Vera until you see the results that you’re looking for.  Try using it in the mornings after washing your face and at nights before going to sleep. Depending on how severe your puffiness or dark circles are, you may have to use it for a longer period of time to see great results. Since the plant is all natural and full of health benefits, you can add it to your regular skin-care routine. Keep your face soft, beautiful and acne-free with the gel from the Aloe plant as long as it’s needed.

How Soon Do You See Results?

Depending on your skin-type, you may immediately notice a difference. Sometimes the face is so thirsty and need the moisture so much, that it soaks in the pours and immediately shrink the pours and tighten the sagging bags under the  eyes. You’ll start to see a difference in minutes after applying the gel.