The Natural Secret to Making Your Dreads Fluffy

Fluffy 2-Strand Twist Dreads
Fluffy 2-Strand Twist Dreads

The appearance of your dreads tells a story about the way you treat them. To achieve fluffy dreadlocks, you have to put the right products in them so that they  can maintain their healthiness. When your locs is soft and fluffy, they fall more naturally and radiates beauty. With just a few simple natural products, you can be on your way to achieving a beautiful, lively crown of locs.

What Does Moisture Do for Your Dreads?

Moisturizing your dreadlocks is a very important step towards achieving and maintaining soft, fluffy locs. You don’t have to full your hair with a lot of products to get that fluffy look. Just choosing one or two natural hair-care products will do the trick.

You can simply mix distilled water with essential oils as a natural moisturizer for your hair. The water will make your hair look plump and lively. Water is essential for your dreads. If you’re not adding daily spritz to your hair-care regimen, you’re missing out on a lot of great benefits. It’s like having a plant and not watering it. With no water, it will eventually dry up and die.

Mixing Oils for Fluffier Dreads

Take for example, castor oil, a popular carrier oil, can be added to another oil such as organic virgin coconut oil, and maybe a few drops of lavender essential oil to give it a nice smell. Castor oil is one of the most top-rated oil that you can use in your dreadlocks. It softens your hair, moisturize it, and promote fast hair-growth.

How to use Castor Oil in Dreadlocks

When using black castor oil for your dreads, you have to use a certain method to prevent stickiness. Never use only castor oil in your hair. Always mix it with an essential oil or some other oils such as olive oil, jojoba, almond oil, or coconut oil. These oils will thin out the castor oil so that it’s not sticky.

Also, when using castor oil, apply it to your scalp while  massaging it in. The scalp is like the roots of a tree where the nutrients goes to provide food for your locs.

Using Aloe Vera Gel For Fluffy Locs

Another super natural treatment that you can use at home for fluffier dreads, is the famous Aloe Vera plant. The gel from the plant makes your hair soft and shiny. You can either buy Organic Aloe Vera gel or use the gel from the raw Aloe Vera plant.

To use the plant the correct way that will ensure you get the most from it, wash and slice a piece of the Aloe. Scrape out the clear gel substance. Most times it will look clear and slippery, without any clumps in it. If there’s clumps, you’ll have to blend it or pound it until it becomes slippery.

Drop some lavender essential oil or any oil of your choice, then mix them together. Massage the mixture onto your scalp and your hair (gel should be clear without clumps from the plant).  With regular use of this mixture, you’ll start to see the difference in the texture of your natural locs. It will be much more softer and fluffier.