Using Natural Home Remedies to Ease Toothache

Anyone who had ever experienced a toothache pain can tell you that it is one of the worst experience that anyone would want to got through. Natural toothache remedies can be a welcoming relief during a toothache. Toothache is normally caused by various factors such as tooth decay, infected gum, an abscessed tooth or a broken filling. The most common symptoms that one can experience during a toothache are, excruciating pain, throbbing sharp pain and a foul odor from the root of the tooth. If you are not able to get to the dentist immediately, use this simple natural toothache remedy to get fast relief.

Clove oil for Toothache Pain

Clove oil has natural analgesic and antiseptic properties and is an effective home remedy for treating toothache pain. You can purchase a bottle of clove oil at the health food store or at a pharmacy. This useful home remedy should be in your medicine cabinet at all times. Not only is it effective for treating toothaches, but also for other types of health related issues.


To use clove oil as a natural toothache remedy, first rinse the mouth with warm salt water. Tip 2 to 3 drops of the clove oil on a cotton ball and apply it to the infected tooth. Be careful not to swallow any of the clove oil and do not overuse. This is a fast relief, natural toothache remedy.