Kick Leg Cramps to the Curb Naturally

Leg cramps or muscle spasms is a common condition that many people have to deal with. This condition can occur during the day as well as nighttime. When it occurs at nights, it is known as nighttime leg cramps. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do to help cope with the painful cramps. Everyone can be affected, whether they are young or old. It can also affect pregnant women, especially in the later part of their pregnancy. Most people complain that they feel the leg cramps in the hamstring and the calf muscle.

Chamomile Tea for Leg Cramps

Many people have reported that they felt relief from their leg cramps when they drink chamomile tea. This is a natural herb that has been used for centuries to treat different types of ailments, including leg cramps. Chamomile is rich in amino acids, which helps to relax the muscles in the leg.

Honey for Leg Cramps

Leg cramps can be treated by using honey. This is another natural home remedy that you can use to get relief from your uncomfortable leg cramps. You can take 2 teaspoons of honey with your meals each day to get fast relief.

Other Home Remedies for Leg Cramps

Make sure that you drink a lot of fluid to help prevent contraction of the muscles. To relieve your leg cramps, drink water at least every half an hour. Also, don’t forget the good old exercise. By simply taking a walk, you can help to stretch the leg muscles, which helps to alleviate the cramps.