A Bold Look: Getting Natural Partial Dreadlocks

Natural partial dreadlocks are quite popular than we may think. Many people would like to test the waters by getting dreadlocks, but is not ready for that big transition. Therefore, they decide to just lock a few random areas of their head, while leaving the rest loose.

Random Partial Dreads

Some people will create dreads at the back, side, middle, or wherever suits them, and let them blend in with the rest of the loose strands of hair.

They will follow the locking process closely to see if dreads would be a good fit for their hair type. They may end up loving their “pet dreads”, and decides to lock a few more.

You can have as many dreads as you’d like, when going for partial dreadlocks, even if it’s only a single one. The key to keeping your locs healthy, is to keep them clean and separated from the rest of the unlocked hair.

Washing Partial Dreadlocks With Non-dread Hair

When it comes to washing your partial dreadlocks, you want to use the right shampoo, one that is less harsh than the ones you’d typically  use to wash your unlocked hair.

Natural Shampoos for Half Dreadlocks

The best thing to do, is to just choose a natural dreadlocks shampoo, which is milder and much healthier for both your locs and loose section of hair. Going natural, is perfect for removing excess oils, without stripping the good oils that are necessary for healthy scalp and  hair.

Maintaining Your Partial Dreadlocks

To keep your partial locs from getting tangled with the rest of your loose hair, it is best that you occasionally feel for any stray hair that’s being locked into your locs. Gently pull them apart.

If you want to just do freeform, that’s okay, but if you want them to have a more neater look, you can do the palm-rolling method, to train them to lock in that form.