Pleasing Your Palate With Natural Homemade Soursop Juice

Ripe Soursop GraviolaMaking your own  natural homemade soursop juice is as easy as it gets. Soursop, also known as Graviola, has a rich and tasty flavor, but what’s most amazing about it, is the powerful natural compounds that can be found in it, which are known to be effective in treating many serious health conditions.

It’s time to prepare your delicious soursop juice, but first, you have to get organized. To make your organic soursop juice, gather all the ingredients below to get started.

Things You’ll Need

  • Soursop
  • Water
  • Strainer
  •  Container
  • Juice container
  • Spoon
  • Vanilla
  • Nutmeg

Start by washing the soursop fruit thoroughly. Use your fingers to remove the skin from the fruit. Break the soursop apart and place the pieces in a container. Pour water on it, and using clean hands, squeeze the pulps in the water to remove the juice.

Soursop Natural Homemade JuiceSqueeze the juice out of the pulp with your hands and place the pulps aside. Strain the liquid into a clean juice container. Add your sweetened condensed milk, nutmeg, vanilla and mix thoroughly. Place in the refrigerator to chill, then serve and enjoy.

If you don’t want to put milk in the soursop juice, you can use lime and sugar to mix it. It’s still refreshing and packed with many health benefits.

In addition to this healthy fruit, the soursop leaves are also useful for its medicinal purposes. Learn more about how the tea made from soursop leaves can help you naturally.