How I Revived My Dying Red Aglaonema Houseplant

Repotting Red Aglaonema Houseplant
Red Aglaonema After Repotted

I was so excited to see my red Aglaonema houseplant thriving, but after a while it started to look droopy.

I noticed that it grew so much after a few months, that I think the pot was becoming too small for it to survive. So, I decided to repot it.

Also, the soil was not draining the water properly or maybe I was just overwatering it, since the  red Aglaonema leaves were turning yellow.

I bought this adorable houseplant almost a year ago and instantly fell in love with it. It flourished so much that I had to divide it into two different pots. Since repotting it, I haven’t lost anymore leaves and both of them are so beautiful and vibrant.

I was amazed at at how much it flourished after repotting it. I also noticed a third plant growing.

Red Aglaonema Light Requirements

Prevent Red Aglaonema yellow leaves
Red Aglaonema Loves Indirect Light

I noticed that my Red Aglaonema doesn’t like direct light. I place mine near a window with indirect lighting and it seems to love it.

Overwatering Red Aglaonema

If you overwater your Red Aglaonema, the leaves will start to turn yellow and eventually fall off. This is one mistake I’ve also made when I just brought home my plant. The leaves and stems were starting to look like they were rotting, and the leaves were drooping a lot.


Watering Your Red Aglaonema

To prevent overwatering, feel the soil to determine if it’s dry, damp, or soggy. It’s okay for the first 2 to 3 inches of the soil to be dry and the bottom to be moist/damp.

I water my plant at least once every week or a little longer depending on the atmosphere. Another way I know that my plant needs watering is if the pot feels light. This is my favorite method of knowing if my plant needs watering.

Also, make sure that your Red Aglaonema is in a well-drained pot. You don’t want water to accumulate in the soil, as this will cause root rot and fungal attack.

You can keep your Red Aglaonema houseplant looking healthy and beautiful for years if you just follow these simple plant care tips.