Dormant Period: What You Need to Know Before Throwing out Your Calla Lily Houseplant

If you own a calla lily houseplant, you may experience the dormancy period, which can be disappointing for people who don’t know that there’s a period where the plant looks like it died; however, this occurs during its rest period, then spring back up again. I was a bit taken aback when I noticed that my calla lily houseplant started to look droopy then eventually dried up.

calla lily dormant period
Calla Lily Coming Out of Dormancy

My calla lily houseplant started to droop and dry up at the end of the year, around December.

I tried watering it and doing everything I could to see if it would look healthy again. Unfortunately, it eventually dried up. I decided to search Google for information on calla lilies indoor plants and was pleasantly surprised when I found out that the plant was not actually dead. It was basically resting for the next season.

This is a crucial part of their life cycle, which helps them flourish and bloom the next blooming season.

Calla Lily Houseplant Care When Dormant

According to my research, I found out that all I had to do was leave it alone for at least 2 months without watering it. Then I needed to put it back in indirect light, resume watering, and wait for it to come back to life, and that’s just what I did. This was my first calla lily indoor plant, so I was not sure if this would actually work.

I left it undisturbed except for occasional watering it after a while, and it started to spring back up in March this  year. I am so happy that I did not throw it away before doing my research. So, if you notice that your calla lily is drying up and looking like it’s going to die, don’t be so quick to throw it away. Give it some time to get its well needed rest.