My Soft Two-Strand Twist Using Aloe Vera Gel Home Remedy

Soft Two-Strand Twist with Aloe Vera Gel
Soft Two-Strand Twist with Aloe Vera Gel

Whether you have loose natural hair or dreadlocks, you can use Aloe Vera home remedy to soften your hair. If you notice that your dreads are becoming stiff and dry, Aloe Vera is a great solution to soften them up and add some luster and life to your hair.

When you use Aloe Vera gel in your hair, it’s not only providing beauty to the outer appearance of your hair, but also supplying your scalp and hair with the necessary nutrients to help your natural hair grow faster and stay healthy.

You may be wondering if you can use your own Aloe plant if you don’t have the resources to purchase a bottle of Aloe Vera gel. If so, the answer is yes, you can make your own Aloe Vera gel and use it as a remedy for stiff dreads or coarse natural hair. As a matter of fact, you can also use the aloe as a daily conditioner in your hair, as long as you’re not allergic to it.

Two-Strand Twist In Progress
Two-Strand Twist In Progress

I love the way my hair look and feels anytime I use the Aloe Vera in my hair. It instantly moisturize my hair and add this nice sheen to it.

I’ve proven it more than once. There are times when I literally can’t untangle my hair, and as soon as I put some Aloe Vera in it, it instantly becomes so soft and manageable.

Another great testimony I have from using Aloe Vera is that it helps to combat shrinkage. I notice how my hair stretches and show the true length, compared to before I apply the aloe. There’s usually a big difference.

Also, my hair stay stretched without shrinking again until when it’s washed. If you use Aloe Vera gel as a anti-shrinkage on a regular basis, it will do wonders for your hair. The benefits of using Aloe Vera gel is so enormous that it’s almost like magic. That’s why I can’t do without my Aloe. It is now my everyday solution to any hair, scalp and skin issues I have.