Do a Full Body Cleanse For a Healthier Life

Doing a full body cleanse is one of the best things that you can do for your body. Cleansing the body can remove harmful toxins and free radicals, which accumulates in the body over a period of time. This can affect the cells in the body, leading to health related issues. You can help the body’s self-cleansing mechanisms by doing a full body cleanse naturally.

Natural Herbs

Take natural herbs for a full body cleanse. Herbs such as dandelion: cleanses the liver of toxins and increases bile production. Licorice: has anti-viral properties and helps to clear fluid from the respiratory system. Milk thistle: aides in preventing free radical in the body and helps the body to produce white blood cells.


Do a juice fast for a full body cleanse. Fasting with juice has been practiced for years and is a safe way to flush the body of parasites and toxins. The most commonly used fruits that are used for a full body cleanse are, citrus, purple grapes, apples, acai berry including vegetables such as, carrot, cucumber, celery, kale, parsley and spinach.

Avoid Chemicals

Minimize exposure to harmful chemicals, which may do more harm than good. Use green products in the home. For example, use lemon for a fresh clean smell and to reduce odor. Use baking soda to clean the oven instead of using oven cleaners. Also, vinegar is another natural alternative to harsh chemicals. These simple methods will help to reduce toxins from the body and make body cleansing a easier process.


Perform regular exercise to detox your body. Exercise helps to relax the mind and the body, which is an effective method for full body cleansing. Exercise is recommended on a daily basis to see positive results.

Alternative Cataract Treatment – Using Eye Health Vitamins for Cataracts

Eye health vitamins can prevent and slow the progression of cataracts in the eyes. Being diagnosed with cataracts can be scary, but with the use of certain vitamins, the progression of cataracts can slow down significantly. According to US researchers, taking vitamin E along with a high intake of vitamin B can slow the progression of cataracts. Here are some commonly used eye health vitamins for cataracts.


Take Bilberry and vitamin E to keep the eyes healthy. Bilberry is said to slow the progression of cataracts. One study showed that there was a 97% success rate in slowing down the advancement of cataract. Bilberry is similar to blueberries but is darker and has a slightly different taste. This eye health vitamins contains high levels of anthocyanin pigments, which has many benefits to the body including the eyes.


Add Lutein supplements or food rich in lutein to your daily diet. Lutein, another effective eye vitamin, is said to halt the progression of cataracts in the eyes. Foods that are rich in lutein are, kale, spinach, collard greens, swiss chard, celery and mustard greens.

Vitamin E

Use Vitamin E and B eye health vitamins for cataracts. Scientists have came up with a theory that since cataracts may be partly caused by oxidation of the eye lens, vitamins with antioxidant may help to prevent or slow down cataract progression.

Alternative Treatment for Cataracts

Many people who were diagnosed with cataracts are terrified of doing the cataract surgery. Some just want to use an alternative cataract treatment instead.

Some people have claimed that they reversed cataracts using OcluMed Nutritional Eye Drops. Some said that their ophthalmologist recommended taking this eye drops for cataract treatment.

It seems like different people get different results when using this natural eyedrops for dissolving cataracts. Some worry about the cost and don’t use the recommended amount for the day. However, others said they used it as recommended and got astonishing results.

Others have written great testimonies of having clearer vision, no more dry eyes, less blurry vision, no more halos around lights, and relief from other eye related issues.

Castor Oil for Cataracts

Castor oil is also said to be a natural cataract treatment. Yet again, some people posted testimonies of dissolving their cataracts with hexane-free organic castor oil. If you are allergic to castor oil, do not use it in your eyes.

Using castor oil  for cataracts is more of a long-term result treatment. It may take a long time to see actual results.

Those who stick it out said that when they went back for their yearly eye exam, there were no signs of cataracts. Those who experienced this said that their cataracts were just forming.


These home remedies are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your physician, pharmacist or health care provider before using the home remedies on this website.

Keep the Cold or Flu Away With Sambucol Black Elderberry

Sambucol is made from the black elderberry extract. Elderberries were used centuries ago as a folk remedy. It was used to boost the immune system, lower cholesterol, treat viral infections, improve vision including other disorders. In fact, elderberry juice was used to treat the flu epidemic in Panama, which occurred in 1995. You can keep the cold and flu away by strengthening your immune system with this natural supplement.

Purchase Sambucol black elderberry from a reputable business online, at a health food store or at pharmacies. Sambucol, which is made of black elderberry extract, is known to boost the immune system. It has shown to be effective in treating HIV/AIDS and cancer patients.

Take Sambucol to help in the prevention of the dangerous flu virus. The flu virus can be deadly especially in people who have a weak immune system. According to a research that was done by a team at Retroscreen Virology in London, Sambucol was at least effective against the avian flu virus-H5N1.

Follow the directions when taking this dietary supplement. This is necessary in order to get the full health benefits. As with any natural supplements, precaution should be taken. Although there are no known drug interaction, it is suggested that you consult your doctor before taking Sambucol black elderberry.