Tremendous Hair Growth With Simple Homemade Aloe Vera Gel

Protective Styling Double Twists With Aloe Vera Gel
Protective Styling Double Twists With Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera is often overlooked by its prickly skin and stylish outer appearance, but little do some people know that it is the secret to tremendous hair growth, if used consistently. I am a big fan of using Aloe Vera juice or gel into my natural hair. It keeps my hair soft and moisturized, and also speed up hair growth.

If you have Aloe Vera plants growing around your yard, you can make your own homemade Aloe gel fresh from the plant. I used these simple steps to make my own natural gel.

sliced aloe vera plantFirst thing I do is wash my Aloe plant then slice a piece off. I normally cut the prickly parts off that are on the sides of the plant. I grab a glass bottle and place a strainer over the opening.

I then use a butter knife to scrape out the inside of the Aloe plant so that I can get all the gel out. The Aloe gel then drains into the glass bottle through the strainer. To make the juice from the Aloe plant drain faster through the strainer, you can use your finger to swirl it around in the strainer.


Straining Aloe Vera Juice
Straining Aloe Vera Juice

When all the juice from the pieces of scraped Aloe is drained into the bottle, you can pour it into a spray bottle. You are almost done making your natural homemade Aloe Vera gel.

Depending on how thick the Aloe gel is, you may need to add a little water to thin it out a little. If it’s too thick, it won’t spray properly from the spray bottle.

If you want your homemade Aloe vera gel to have a nice smell, you can drop some peppermint or some other type of essential oil in it and shake it up to distribute it evenly.

When you are ready to apply the gel to your hair, just shake and spray your roots and hair evenly. To encourage faster hair growth, massage the roots of your hair with the Aloe Vera gel. The  scalp massage technique is a great way to stimulate the follicles, which in turn promotes the growth of faster, thicker, hair.

After applying the Aloe gel to your natural hair, you can twist them and leave them like I did mine. Your hair will feel soft and look shiny and beautiful. There you go, have fun with your own naturally made Aloe Vera gel!

Quick Tip: To keep your Aloe Vera home remedy longer, you can leave it in the refrigerator.


The Secret to How I Got My Natural Hair Curls Looking Defined

I have been looking diligently for a shampoo that will help my curls look more defined and stay curly, not just look curly for a few minutes. Well, I went in a store, not really looking at that time for a shampoo, but suddenly the Suave Professionals for Natural Hair Sulfate-Free Cleansing Shampoo and Moisturizing Curl Conditioner caught my eye.

Suave Professionals for Natural Hair curl definingI decided to buy both the shampoos and the conditioner to see if they would tame my natural shrinking hair. I’ve tried so many other shampoo and conditioners and they just did nothing for my hair type.

My Honest Review of The Suave Professional Shampoo and Conditoner

I like the smell of both the Suave Professional shampoo and conditioner. The moment I put the conditioner in my hair, I could feel the softness and see the difference in my curl pattern.

Suave Professionals for Natural Hair Shampoo and Moisturizing Curl ConditionerI just wanted to test out the conditioner, so I put a little in a spray bottle and added some water, then I sprayed my hair. I immediately noticed my curls popping more. This gave me an idea of how I could get my natural hair curly if I’m in a hurry to go someplace.

Since I noticed that the Suave Professionals for Natural Hair Shampoo and Moisturizing Curl Conditioner actually worked for my hair, I started adding some Organic Aloe Vera to the conditioner and massaging it into my hair. The Aloe Vera gives it additional sheen and bounciness.

Shrinkage Before Using Suave Professional Shampoo and Conditioner
My Hair Shrinkage Before Using Suave Professional Shampoo and Conditioner

You can see the difference in the curl pattern of my hair, and my hair actually looked longer. This was good for me, since my hair tends to shrink a lot. 

Suave Professionals for Used Suave Professional Natural Hair Moisturizing Curl Conditioner
Used Suave Professional Natural Hair Moisturizing Curl Conditioner


How I’m Using Rice Water and Castor Oil to Grow My Natural Hair

Follow me as I embark on my natural hair-growth journey, recently transitioning from dreadlocks. I had been using fermented rice water and castor oil to help grow my locs faster, but since I combed them out, I am going to continue doing the occasional rinse. I’m still new to the rice water, but I can genuinely recommend using Jamaican black castor oil for faster hair growth.

Using an Applicator Bottle to Put Rice Water in My Hair
Using an Applicator Bottle to Put Rice Water in My Hair

Now that I don’t have dreads anymore, I lost some of my hair length, which is as a result of shrinkage. I’m going to start back using rice water to rinse my hair more consistently than before and see if it will increase  hair growth.

You can buy rice water and use it to grow your hair or make it from scratch at home. Fermented rice water my have a not so pleasant smell, but you can fix that problem with a few drops of lavender oil, lemon oil, or any other type of essential oils of your choice.

When you use fermented rice water, it can make your hair feel dry, that’s why it’s recommended that you use moisturizers to bring back the softness and sheen to your natural hair. I love to use Aloe Vera as a natural moisturizer, and it also helps to keep your scalp and hair healthy and strong.

Castor Oil in Addition to Rice Water for Fast Natural Hair Growth

In addition to using rice water to grow your hair faster, you can combine virgin coconut oil and organic castor oil, preferably Jamaican Black  Castor Oil, to treat your scalp and improve the fullness of your hair. Castor oil is a great natural remedy for thin lifeless hair.

My Way of Making Fermented Rice Water

I decided to make my own rice water at home. I don’t use that much rice because now is not the time to waste food. I wash the rice first to remove debris that usually will float to the top. Then I put the rice in a glass bottle and add some water, (I use distilled water) and then add a few pieces of orange peel to it, then close the bottle tightly. I then put the glass bottle in the cupboard, since it’s dark.

If I plan on washing my  hair the next day, after 24 hours, I’ll use the water, but if not, I’ll put it in the fridge. I was pleasantly surprised by the nice smell of the rice water because I put the orange peel in it. You can try putting your own scents such as peppermint oil or any other oils.

How I Use Fermented Rice Water to Grow My Hair

The way I use my homemade rice fermented rice water is, I pour it in an applicator bottle, then part my hair in large sections, and then apply the water to it. I massage the rice water into my hair and scalp, then place a steam cap over my hair and leave it for a few hours while I do my household chores.

I wash my hair afterwards, apply the conditioner, put back on my steam cap for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse. I also like to apply Aloe Vera gel to my damp hair, as it makes my hair soft, silky, and easy to manage.