The Secret to How I Got My Natural Hair Curls Looking Defined

I have been looking diligently for a shampoo that will help my curls look more defined and stay curly, not just look curly for a few minutes. Well, I went in a store, not really looking at that time for a shampoo, but suddenly the Suave Professionals for Natural Hair Sulfate-Free Cleansing Shampoo and Moisturizing Curl Conditioner caught my eye.

Suave Professionals for Natural Hair curl definingI decided to buy both the shampoos and the conditioner to see if they would tame my natural shrinking hair. I’ve tried so many other shampoo and conditioners and they just did nothing for my hair type.

My Honest Review of The Suave Professional Shampoo and Conditoner

I like the smell of both the Suave Professional shampoo and conditioner. The moment I put the conditioner in my hair, I could feel the softness and see the difference in my curl pattern.

Suave Professionals for Natural Hair Shampoo and Moisturizing Curl ConditionerI just wanted to test out the conditioner, so I put a little in a spray bottle and added some water, then I sprayed my hair. I immediately noticed my curls popping more. This gave me an idea of how I could get my natural hair curly if I’m in a hurry to go someplace.

Since I noticed that the Suave Professionals for Natural Hair Shampoo and Moisturizing Curl Conditioner actually worked for my hair, I started adding some Organic Aloe Vera to the conditioner and massaging it into my hair. The Aloe Vera gives it additional sheen and bounciness.

Shrinkage Before Using Suave Professional Shampoo and Conditioner
My Hair Shrinkage Before Using Suave Professional Shampoo and Conditioner

You can see the difference in the curl pattern of my hair, and my hair actually looked longer. This was good for me, since my hair tends to shrink a lot. 

Suave Professionals for Used Suave Professional Natural Hair Moisturizing Curl Conditioner
Used Suave Professional Natural Hair Moisturizing Curl Conditioner