Do a Full Body Cleanse For a Healthier Life

Doing a full body cleanse is one of the best things that you can do for your body. Cleansing the body can remove harmful toxins and free radicals, which accumulates in the body over a period of time. This can affect the cells in the body, leading to health related issues. You can help the body’s self-cleansing mechanisms by doing a full body cleanse naturally.

Natural Herbs

Take natural herbs for a full body cleanse. Herbs such as dandelion: cleanses the liver of toxins and increases bile production. Licorice: has anti-viral properties and helps to clear fluid from the respiratory system. Milk thistle: aides in preventing free radical in the body and helps the body to produce white blood cells.


Do a juice fast for a full body cleanse. Fasting with juice has been practiced for years and is a safe way to flush the body of parasites and toxins. The most commonly used fruits that are used for a full body cleanse are, citrus, purple grapes, apples, acai berry including vegetables such as, carrot, cucumber, celery, kale, parsley and spinach.

Avoid Chemicals

Minimize exposure to harmful chemicals, which may do more harm than good. Use green products in the home. For example, use lemon for a fresh clean smell and to reduce odor. Use baking soda to clean the oven instead of using oven cleaners. Also, vinegar is another natural alternative to harsh chemicals. These simple methods will help to reduce toxins from the body and make body cleansing a easier process.


Perform regular exercise to detox your body. Exercise helps to relax the mind and the body, which is an effective method for full body cleansing. Exercise is recommended on a daily basis to see positive results.

Keep the Cold or Flu Away With Sambucol Black Elderberry

Sambucol is made from the black elderberry extract. Elderberries were used centuries ago as a folk remedy. It was used to boost the immune system, lower cholesterol, treat viral infections, improve vision including other disorders. In fact, elderberry juice was used to treat the flu epidemic in Panama, which occurred in 1995. You can keep the cold and flu away by strengthening your immune system with this natural supplement.

Purchase Sambucol black elderberry from a reputable business online, at a health food store or at pharmacies. Sambucol, which is made of black elderberry extract, is known to boost the immune system. It has shown to be effective in treating HIV/AIDS and cancer patients.

Take Sambucol to help in the prevention of the dangerous flu virus. The flu virus can be deadly especially in people who have a weak immune system. According to a research that was done by a team at Retroscreen Virology in London, Sambucol was at least effective against the avian flu virus-H5N1.

Follow the directions when taking this dietary supplement. This is necessary in order to get the full health benefits. As with any natural supplements, precaution should be taken. Although there are no known drug interaction, it is suggested that you consult your doctor before taking Sambucol black elderberry.



Relieve the Symptoms of a Migraine Naturally

Migraine headaches are painful and debilitating. The symptoms of a migraine headache sometimes includes, eye pain, blurred vision, light sensitivity, nausea, fatigue or dizziness. Many Americans suffer from migraine headaches each year. This affects productivity in the workplace because many people have to stop from work regularly to treat their migraines. There are many migraine treatments that can be bought over the counter or as a prescription. However, natural remedies are cheaper, have no side effects and is just as effective. You can relieve the symptoms of a migraine with these simple tips.


Use ginger to relieve the symptoms of a migraine. Ginger is commonly used as a folk remedy for many different types of illnesses including migraines. According to a study, a patient relieved her migraine by taking 500-600 mg of ginger powder mixed with water. This was taken every 4 hours for a duration of 4 days. You can use fresh ginger also to make a tea. Use 1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger to add to a cup of boiling water. Boil for 1-2 minutes and mix with honey or sugar.


Place a hot compress across the forehead to relieve a migraine. Be sure to test it on the skin first to make sure that the heat can be tolerated. Some people get better results using cold compress instead of hot. Hot compress always work for me, so you may need to test each one to see which works best for you.