Top 5 Natural Solutions to Fight Sleep Deprivation

Sounds for sleep deprivationSleep is something that we all need in order to function on a daily basis. Many people at this moment, are suffering from either the chronic or acute form of sleep deprivation. However, fortunately, there are natural solutions to get the adequate amount of sleep that you need.

Sleep, the Rest Cycle

Sleep is a natural condition that the body goes through. This is the rest cycle that is needed to replenish  our mind and body. Unfortunately, not everyone naturally fall asleep peacefully at nights. This is where the natural sleep solutions come in.

White Noise for Sleep Deprivation

Sleep Sound Machine: If you find yourself struggling to fall asleep or to stay asleep, you should consider using a sleep sound machine to help you get to that restful place. Some machines may mimic different types of nature sounds such as rain/rainstorm, summer night, or the ocean, which promotes a deeper and more restful sleep.

Modern Tech Gadgets for Sleeplessness

Sleep Tech Gadgets: Technology has become so advanced that you can help insomnia naturally without prescription medication. You can now fall asleep faster and get the recommended amount of sleep with some of these gadgets.

Improve Sleep Disorder Naturally

Sleep Headphones: If you are bothered by snoring disturbance, there are natural solutions for that as well. We sometimes have loved ones who snores while they’re sleeping, preventing us from getting a comfortable night’s sleep.  Sleep headphones are designed to block out snoring while you sleep, and they’re comfortable to sleep with.

Sleep Weighted Blanket: Sleep smarter with a sleep weighted blanket. These types of heavy sleep blankets mimics the natural feeling of being hugged, therefore, resulting in a more restful sleep. The weighted blanket is great for people with stress, anxiety, night pain, or those with ADHD or autism.

Essential Oil Diffusers: Another great way to fall asleep faster and get a peaceful sleep, is to use an oil diffuser with your favorite natural essential oil. The therapeutic effects of the smooth mist from the oil diffuser helps to relax your tired muscles as well as makes you breathe better at nights.

Loving Older Locs: Do You Still Have the Passion for Your Dreads?

I often wonder about people who have their locs for many, many years, if they still love them like they did when they first started out on their locs journey. If you ask different people that question, you will obviously get different answers.

As with some things in life, as your dreads get older, you may start to get too used to them, and may get complacent, losing that connection. Other people may feel more connected, especially after putting all the hard work into getting them to where they are at.

Giving Up on Your Locs Won’t Work

Having dreads comes with a lot of work and dedication. If you give up on them, they’ll eventually give up on you too. You will start to see them looking dull and lifeless. As the beauty of your hair starts to fade, you may find yourself not loving them as you used to.

Keeping Up With Daily Locs Maintenance for Older Locs

If you want fabulous locs, you have to put the right products in your hair, and take the time to do your daily locs maintenance, just like you used to do in the early part of your locs journey. There’s not much difference in taking care of older locs than there is for younger locs, except for starter dreads.

Daily Locs Prep For Healthier Hair

Your locs won’t look “ugly” if  you take good care of them. However, taking care of locs is not only putting natural oils and keeping your hair moisturized, it also means taking care of your overall health, such as making sure you’re getting enough vitamins and eating healthy.

Motivating Yourself With Older Locs

It’s sometimes kind of hard to keep yourself motivated as your locs get older. You may find yourself getting tired of the same style that you had for years, but there are ways to have dreads and still look trendy.

The first and most important thing you need to do when you have older locs, is to get your regular washes, in addition to using your natural oil treatments, and keep them moisturized. Your locs will thrive and grow longer, looking lustrous and beautiful.

Embracing Retirement: Keeping Your Brain Active Naturally

Fun Things to do in RetirementBeing retired doesn’t mean you stop living. It just means you have a lot more free time to do the things that you love. There are a variety of activities you can do to enjoy your retirement and keep your brain active.

Outdoor Walking Activity for the Newly Retired

The one thing you don’t want to do when you are retired is to isolate yourself. Get up in the mornings and go for a walk. Walking in groups is even better for you, as you’ll have company and will feel more motivated. Bring along your walking hand weights to enhance your walking experience.

Check around your neighborhood to find other retirees who go for walks in the mornings and join them. Get outdoors and inhale the fresh air. You can go to the park and walk the trails, listen to the birds, just get up and personal with nature.

If you don’t have anyone to walk with, bring along your dog. Dogs are great walking companions. They’ll enjoy the good old outdoors, with lots to see and sniff.

Nature Gardening for Retirees

Gardening when you’re retired is a great activity. You have ample time to plant your own organic vegetables and more. It’s such a great thing to plant something, watch it grow, and then be able to reap what you grow.

Even if it’s flowers, it’s still a wonderful experience to see the different colored blossoms they produce and fragrant scents. To protect your knees when doing your gardening, wear a pair of gel knee pads.

Retirement and Music Lessons

Music helps to stimulate the brain, which is great for seniors who are retired. Try learning to play a musical instrument. Take a few lessons and practice until you get it perfect. Even if it’s not perfect, as long as you enjoy your new hobby, that’s what counts.

Painting Hobby for Retired Seniors

If you always wanted to learn how to paint, but was just too busy before you retired, now is the perfect time to take up the challenge. If you’re a nature lover, bring your art supplies outdoors and capture the beautiful scenery, whether it’s the birds, squirrels, the sunrise or sunset. It’s all there for you to explore and practice your art skills.

Making Money While Retired

Taking on a part-time job during retirement is a great way to still stay active while making some money to supplement your income. You can work from home or find a part-time job near to home.

If you don’t need to supplement your income, you can volunteer your services to a number of different organizations. When all is said and done, the most important thing to remember throughout your retirement, is to have fun.