Fresh Carrot Juice: Why You Should be Juicing Your Carrots

juicing carrot juice for health
Freshly Squeezed Carrot Juice

Although you may be drinking carrot juice for a long time, surprisingly, there’s a lot to know about getting the maximum amount of nutrients from it. Carrots are packed with many essential vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin K, potassium, and a lot more vitamins and minerals that  you may not be aware of. This vibrant orange vegetable is more to the eyes than its beautiful color. You’ll definitely have to give it a chance to prove its worth.

Growing up as a child, my mom always told me to eat up my carrots so that I can have healthy eyes. So, I always knew that carrots are food for the eyes. However, carrot juice has much more benefits that just strengthening the eyes and improving eye health.

Whether you eat the carrots or juice them, you’re still getting the benefits, but today, I’m going to focus on juicing. I love carrots, so every time I go to the supermarket, I have to grab a few bags of carrots. I’ve been getting my weekly dose, (sometimes every other day), of freshly squeezed carrot juice. I also add a piece of grated ginger to it, which is quite refreshing, especially in the mornings first thing before I eat breakfast.

Since carrots are already sweet, you don’t even have to put sugar in your juice. You won’t be missing out on anything if you leave out the sugar, other than a little more taste.

Is Carrot Juice Still Okay to Drink the Next Day?

Yes, it’s still okay to drink carrot juice the day after you make it. However, the vitamins in the juice are more potent when you drink it as soon as you make it. The longer it sits and get exposed to light and air, it slowly losses some of its usefulness.

Some vitamins are quickly lost when exposed to air, so it’s best to make small portions with your juice extractor. If you have to leave some for another day, you should keep the juice in an airtight mason jar.

Carrot Juice and Cancer

Researchers have found out that eating carrots or the juice can help to diminish the risk of developing cancer. This is because of it’s high antioxidant properties, which helps to eliminated free radicals from our bodies.

Are There Side Effects From Drinking Carrot Juice?

Some people are worried about drinking too much carrot juice and possible side effects. Drinking too much of the juice may affect everyone differently. Some people may experience loose bowels or may even notice a slight orange tint to their skin if they drink too much on a regular basis.

Making Carrot Juice Fun

For added benefits, carrots can also be blended with other types of fruits to make it more delicious and appealing. For example, you can add beets to carrot juice with ginger or you can mix it with milk, tip a little rum and vanilla to give it that ice-cream flavor.

Carrot juice when mixed with lemon juice, celery, apple, and ginger is a great combination which helps to cleanse the colon, while detoxifying your body. Flushing toxins from your system with these raw juices will keep you fit and healthy.


Coconut Water: The Natural Way to Combat Common Illnesses & Revitalize Your Body

Coconut Water for Health
Natural Green Coconut

Coconut water is packed with many natural vitamins and nutrients, including important electrolytes such as magnesium, sodium, chloride and potassium, which are paramount to maintaining body functions that are vital. The taste of coconut water may vary depending on how young or how fit (mature) it is. After today, you will never look at coconut the same again. Keep reading these valuable information that will change your life forever.

I have known about coconuts for many years, but didn’t really know how valuable it is to the our health. I’ve heard some elderly people talked about young coconut water was good for the heart and for high blood pressure before. However, I didn’t take it that seriously until recently when I started seeing many testimonials from people who have used coconut water. Suddenly I started remembering what I used to hear about it, and decided to do my own in-depth research.

I always love the taste of coconut, especially the dried ones. Those are quite commonly used in my diet, but not the green ones. According to the researches I’ve done, the young virgin coconut water, although may not have much taste, are packed with great health benefits, from using them as a treatment for cataracts and glaucoma, to dehydration.

Drink Organic Jelly Coconut and Get Back Your Health

If you happen to have diarrhea and feel like you’ve lost almost all your fluids, the quickest way to replace those essential fluids, is to drink some young coconut water. These are the green ones, or whatever other color they have (some are even orange).

They usually contain soft jelly inside, as opposed to hard meaty coconut. Coconut water is higher in potassium than banana, which is usually recommended for people who are suffering from diarrhea.

Coconut Water for the Fitness and Health Conscious

If you’re regularly at the gym, is in athletics, or have a regular exercise routine that makes you sweat a lot, the perfect way to build up back your electrolytes is to keep some coconut water on hand to drink. It’s a natural alternative to drinking some of those sport drinks.

How to Get Coconut Water

Some people are blessed enough to have easy access to coconut water, fresh from the husk, while others have to purchase those in the box or cans. There are reputable companies that sell natural coconut water that you can get shipped right to your door. If you choose this option, you’ll always have a fresh supply of this delicious healthy nature water. Just keep them in the refrigerator until you’re ready for a refreshing drink.

If you’re not one of those who have a coconut tree or is wondering where you can find those fresh from the husk, you may want to check out the Mexican grocery stores or Asian stores. These are quite commonly found around the stores with other exotic fruits from various different countries.

How to Cut Open a Jelly Coconut

If you do find a fresh coconut at the grocery store and is wondering how to open it, there’s a trick that I use, and I’m going to share it with you. Usually, the young coconuts are soft and easily can be opened by slicing off the top. You have to use a sharp knife to cut through the soft husk.

fresh coconut jellyThen to get out the jelly (soft coconut meat), my trick is to make a hole wide enough to use a long spoon to scoop out the jelly like how it is in the photo to the left.


Spring Fever: Reviving From Depression the Natural Way

spring relieve for depressionMany people find themselves in a dark place while trying to cope with depression. Now that it’s spring time, it’s time to work on getting back to that happy place in your life. There’s so much to see and so much to do, especially in the spring season. That being said, there are some people who have reverse SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, which also comes with anxiety. These natural solutions may help melt your depression away naturally.

Unfortunately, getting out of depression may not be easy for some people. This may be a sure sign that you need to visit your doctor for treatment.

For those of you who are not so overwhelmed by depression, there a few natural things that you can do to help lift your mood.

Identifying What’s Causing the Depression

The first thing you want to find out is what’s actually causing you to feel sad or anxious. It could be the environment that you’re in, toxic relationships, or social anxiety.

Finding Your Happy Place

The second thing you also want to identify, is what makes you happy. Are there any hobbies that you enjoy doing, whether it’s outdoors or indoors? Some people may enjoy nature, so they love doing nature things such as hiking, nature walk, biking, swimming, having a picnic, etc.

Social Anxiety and Indoor Nature

For those who have social anxiety problems, they can still stay indoors and enjoy themselves. Say for example, you love the sound of nature, but you don’t want to go outdoors where you have to interact with others, you can enjoy being outside through your computer.

You can watch nature videos, live streams with wildlife. YouTube is a good place to find free live wildlife cam streams or nature cams.

Best Houseplants for Anxiety

You can also place houseplants throughout the  house. This will help you relax naturally. Certain indoor plants are known to help relieve anxiety and depression. Plants such as lavender, snake plants, crotons, jasmine, aloe vera, are great options.

These indoor plants help to purify the air and improve indoor air quality. This helps to soothe and calm you. Plants are bold, beautiful, colorful, and some even smell great. Having your home surrounded with the right houseplants will help you cope with depression during spring time.