Nature Walks: Embracing the Unexpected Beauty of Mother Nature

Outdoors nature animals ducksNature walks are so rewarding in so many ways. If you are not a person that enjoy being outdoors and up and personal with nature, you might not see the beauty of it. There’s so much to see, smell, feel, and capture. I love nature, and always try to capture unique images when I go for my walks. There’s so much beauty in mother nature, that I can’t keep it to myself. I want to share some of my experiences with you guys.

Early Morning Sunrise

Early Morning Sunrise Walks

One of my favorite times to go for a walk is in the early mornings when sometimes the crickets are still chirping. Well, I’m not sure if they are all crickets or toads. But either way, I love to hear them in the morning twilight. I also love to see when the sun is rising and peaking through the trees.

The Sweet Smell of Trees

While walking in the early morning, I can smell the wonderful scent of the trees, all different types. The birds are waking up and nature comes alive. If you had a stressful night, an early morning walk will soothe your spirit.

Early Morning Fog and Spider Web
Early Morning Fog and Spider Web

Taking Photos of Nature

I’ve noticed a few things while walking in the nature trails. Some people just walk to keep fit or lose weight, while others walk to enjoy the peacefulness of nature. I enjoy both gifts that mother nature has to offer me. So, I always look for unique photos to take while walking. Walk with your camera, preferably a waterproof camera, just in case the rain catches you while walking.  You may never get this opportunity again, so capture the moment while you can.

Nature Walk Beautiful Rippling Lake

Walking in Comfort

Walking in the early morning has many benefits that will do your mind, body, and soul good. First thing to consider when going for a walk, is to wear comfortable clothing and comfortable sneakers. You don’t want to be walking or jogging and have to stop the fun because your feet starts to ache.

Exercise While You Walk

Some people like to walk with hand weights so that they can do simple exercise moves while walking. Just choose the weight limit that’s right for you and enjoy the many benefits.

Walking Hands-free in Nature

If you take long walks through different trails or run for long periods of time, you may need a convenient way to carry your water, phone, car keys and other personal items. A comfortable running belt will be the perfect solution to keep you hands-free while doing your outdoor fun activities.

Top Up with Clean Air on Your Nature Walks

The next time you decide to go for a walk, remember to stop or slow down a bit to take in the natural beauty that surrounds you, sniff the air, and take deep breaths of the clean, fresh oxygen coming from the trees around you.