Hydrating Coconut Water: Trick to Getting Water Out of a Dry Coconut

get water from dry coconutRemoving the water from a dried coconut might seem tricky for some people, so I’m going to tell you a trick that I use to remove the water without spilling any of this delicious hydrating drink.

Before I learned about this little secret, I always lost a lot of my coconut water. I’m so glad I found out the easy way to remove the water, so much that I have to share this simple tip with all of you.

I love to wash my coconut off first, since so many people tend to pick up the coconut, shake it, or test if it’s good. After washing the coconut thoroughly, I use a piece of napkin to dry the shell off.

remove water from coconut shellNext, you’re going to get a slim screwdriver, one that is clean and free of rust. This will be used to bore a hole in the soft eye of the coconut. The coconut three eyes are located at the top of the shell. One of these eyes is soft enough to pierce with a sharp object so that you can get every drip of the coconut water out without wasting any.

After piercing a hole in the shell of the coconut, I place a strainer over a container and drain out the water. The strainer helps to catch any broken parts of the shell or other debris, so you can drink your natural, delicious, healthy coconut water undisturbed.

Lime With Coconut Water

lime with coconut waterGive your coconut water an extra zest by squeezing some lemon or lime juice in it. This is so refreshing and nice, especially in hot climates, not to mention if it’s ice cold. This is the perfect natural drink to beat the heat.

It also seems to give me some extra energy as well when I drink my coconut water with lime juice. Lime to me has a more sour and tangy taste than lemon, so I like that extra kick to my coconut water. Now that you’ve learned how to get water out of a coconut, go get your own coconut and enjoy this refreshing drink.


Organic Gardening: Feed Your Locs Naturally From the Earth

simple organic gardening at homeOrganic gardening in your yard, or even on a patio is achievable with just a few gardening supplies. You may be asking yourself, what does organic gardening has to do with having dreadlocks, but it has a lot to do with it.

If you want your dreads to flourish and grow, you need to eat healthy as well as do regular locs maintenance. Eating organic food don’t have to be expensive, if you create your own space-saving gardening.

Vegetable Garden on a Patio

If you don’t have a yard, organic gardening can be done right on your patio or balcony, planting things such as tomatoes, herbs, sweet pepper, cucumbers, green onions, just to name a few. Eating from the Earth is the healthiest way to go.

You have to get creative when starting a garden in small spaces. It definitely can be done if you think out of the box. Also, creating your organic garden in a location where there’s sufficient sunlight, is essential for the success of your patio garden.

Summer Vegetable Garden Ideas

With summer being here, now would be a great time to start your organic gardening project at home. You will have adequate sun to help your garden flourish.

In some states, this is also the time when there is frequent summer rain, which is perfect to provide regular natural water supply, leaving your garden lush and green.

Small Backyard Organic Planting

If your backyard has minimal space, using a raised garden planter for your organic gardening, is a great way to still grow things such as herbs, vegetable, small fruits that don’t require too much space. For example, you could plant grape or cherry tomatoes, which tends to cascade downwards as the plant produces fruits.

Self-watering Garden Planter

Worried about regular maintenance of your organic garden? You have options if you are a person who has a tight schedule, but still want to keep your garden flourishing. Self-watering garden planters helps to conserve  water and provide the daily required water supply that’s needed for growing healthy plants.