Moisture Infused-Aloe Vera for Dry Thirsty Natural Hair

moisturize natural black hair with aloe veraOur hair needs consistent moisture to keep it healthy, bouncy, and beautiful. As you may already notice that not all natural hair are equal, meaning that some hair type may need an additional boost of moisture while others may not. Learn more about how you can infuse your natural hair with rich nutrients from the powerful Aloe Vera Plant.

Aloe Vera natural moisturizerSince I found out about the Aloe Vera plant, I have never left it out of my daily hair care regimen. I found about the great benefits of this natural remedy back when I used to have dreadlocks.  If  you have locs and want them to look fuller,  fluffier, and alive, you should be using the natural gel from the Aloe Vera.

If you don’t have the plant, no worries, you can easily obtain the natural Aloe Vera gel online and get it shipped to your home in a matter of a few days. Just make sure to buy the big bottle or a few bottles each time, so that you can save on shipping costs.

How I Use Aloe Vera as a Hair Moisturizer

I use Aloe Vera for so many things, from using it as a body cleanser, boosting my immune system, to adding moisture to my natural hair. These are just a few of the many things that you can do with the gel from the Aloe Vera. If you have dry skin, use it to heal and soften your skin. Of course, you have to make sure that you are not allergic to the Aloe Vera plant before using it, since not everyone can tolerate certain things, even if they are natural.

Get Rid of Frizzy Hair with Aloe Vera

To keep my hair free from frizz, moisturized, and manageable, I scrape the Aloe gel from the inside of the plant and strain it with water into my spray bottle. I generally mist my hair daily and I use it to massage into my hair cuticles and scalp along with a few drops of lavender oil to give it a nice scent.

Long-lasting Twist-outs on With Aloe Vera Gel

If you are doing twist-outs on your natural hair, you can also use it in place of other hair products. Aloe gel is a natural way to keep your hair and twist-outs in place all day. Also natural Aloe Vera will not flake unless you did not strain it properly. When I use it in my hair, it dries fast and don’t leave my hair feeling heavy and sticky. I just love this plant and will keep using it to keep my hair moisturized and soft.

Dry Hair Solution: Is Aloe Vera Really as Good as They Say?

Succulent Organic Slice of Aloe Vera
Succulent Organic Slice of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has been the go-to for many people who have dry, thirsty hair. It is thought to be one of the best natural remedies for those who are looking to add moisture and life to their hair. The big question is; is Aloe Vera really a good natural remedy for dry hair? If you’re looking for the answer to this question, I have my own testimony to share about using Aloe Vera juice in my natural hair.

My Aloe Vera Testimony

This is my story about using Aloe Vera. I grew my dreadlocks for six years. Throughout those six years, I have done extensive research on the use of Aloe Vera. Growing up, I always saw my mom use Aloe Vera and she even used to give us a little of the juice to drink. All I know is that it was really bitter.

Fast forward to now, I went back to my roots and decided to do some digging of my own to find out more about this mystical plant, the Aloe Vera. I started using the gel from the plant in my dreadlocks, and I instantly fell in love with it. I also used it on my skin and enjoyed how soft my skin looked and felt.

When I use my homemade Aloe Vera Juice in my hair, it feels softer, looked shinier, and retained moisture for days. Aloe Vera is packed with many different vitamins and minerals that is essential for beautiful hair.

If you decide to use Aloe Vera Juice in your natural hair, you can either purchase the pre-bottled ones or you can make your own homemade Aloe Juice. The great thing about Aloe, is that it can be used as a natural remedy for a variety of conditions such as: dry, itchy scalp and dandruff. It can also be used to promote hair growth and as a natural moisturizer for both hair and skin, etc.

My Thoughts About the Aloe Vera Plant

The Aloe Vera is a very succulent plant. This plant usually thrives better in dry climate. Did you notice I said dry? Yes, I think that’s why it is such a great natural remedy from mother nature to combat dryness, whether it’s dry hair or dry skin. It is even great for treating sunburns. It simply just moisturizes and heal with its natural ingredients.

Using Aloe Vera As a Natural Aftershave Remedy

Guys, don’t feel left out. You can also use Aloe Vera as a natural aftershave and to prevent or treat razor bumps. Using Aloe Vera after shaving can help to soothe irritated skin and prevents inflammation and redness, leaving your skin smooth to the touch. Always keep in mind that not everyone’s skin can tolerate Aloe Vera juice. Only use the clear gel from the plant.

Tip of the Day

  • Try a small area of your inner arm to check for allergic reaction before using Aloe Vera on your face.
  • Do not use the yellow liquid from Aloe Vera, which is latex, as this can cause allergic reaction.

Wash Day Worries: How to Manage & Detangle Unruly Natural Hair

Unruly natural hair on washdayWash day worries is a real deal when you have to literally fight with thick tangled hair. If you wash your hair before detangling it, especially if  you just took out your braids, this is a recipe for disaster. Trying to detangle after washing it can cause serious breakage and damage to  your hair. Learn how to manage your unruly hair on wash day.

The first thing I do before washing my natural hair, is to section it, then start to detangle section-by-section. I mix some castor oil with some fresh aloe vera and then apply it to the section I’m trying to detangle. I use my finger to detangle my hair, starting from the ends and working my way up to the roots.

After doing my finger detangling method, I use one of my wide-tooth combs to smoothly comb out that section. I then twist the detangled hair and then move on to the other areas that are still dry and tangled. The Aloe Vera adds moisture and nutrients, and the castor oil also helps to loosen knots, soften, and condition dry hair.

When you apply the Aloe Vera and castor oil (just a few drops of castor oil) to your hair, you can cover your hair with a steam cap, then let it sit for at least 20-30 minutes. I then shampoo my hair, then condition it.

Some people may find the above method ineffective. If this doesn’t work for you, you can detangle your hair with Raw Shea Butter Extra-Moisture Detangler.

Another great natural detangler for knotty natural hair, is to use some apple cider vinegar in water to soften and loosen the tangles. Just remember to wash out the apple cider. I usually use the apple cider before my shampoo.

What Not to Do to Prevent Tangles and Knots in Natural Hair

  • Never wash your hair before detangling it thoroughly. Adding water to tangled, knotty hair can make it worse. However, this can be the opposite for people with dreadlocks, as dreads love water, which helps them to lock faster.
  • For long hair, don’t pile your hair in a towel and rub it after washing. To prevent tangles, squeeze out the water and gently pat your hair in a dry towel.
  • Never put straight castor oil on your hair without mixing it with another oil such as coconut oil. Castor oil by itself is sticky and can damage your hair.