Curly Silk Press: Transforming my Kinky Natural Hair From Curly to Straight

As much as I love my natural hair dearly, there are times when I just want to experience a difference in hairstyle. Once in a while I’ll silk press my hair so I can enjoy some hairstyles that wouldn’t be possible with my natural hair. Silk press is a technique that is used by applying heat to your hair to get it straight without using chemicals.

To achieve professional salon silky, smooth hair at home, you’ll start by shampooing your hair, blow drying it, and using a hair straightener flat iron specifically designed to straighten the curls out of your hair. It is recommended that you use a thermal heat protectant to prevent heat damage.

At first, I was skeptical about pressing my hair because of all the negative things I heard. Some people had major heat damage, hair breakage, or even hair loss. However, I decided to do my research and adhered to the tips to prevent any possible harm to my natural hair.

When you silk press your natural hair, as long as you do it the right way and take precautions to prevent damage, after washing it, you’ll get back your same healthy-looking hair as before.


Protecting your natural hair from heat damage begins before you start the straightening process. It is best to start with a good heat protectant shampoo and conditioner.

You also want to protect your hair from the heat using a hair protectant spray before you blow dry your hair. This is an important hair care routine you don’t want to skip when silk pressing your natural hair.

The one thing I struggled with when I first silk pressed my hair was the frizz. It would look straight and nice the first few hours and then it started to look frizzy. I finally solved the issue by using a frizz control heat protectant.


The lifespan of your beautiful silk press will be determined by how well you maintain it. If you treat it like your normal natural hair and don’t take the necessary measures to protect your hairstyle, sadly, it won’t last long.

A typical silk press can last up to 3 weeks or even longer depending on certain factors including the texture of your hair. One of the most important steps to keeping your natural straightened hair lasting longer, is to protect it at nights.


It is best to wrap your hair or do pin curls to keep your hair looking smooth and bouncy the next day. After doing that, you should cover your hair preferably with a silk bonnet.

Taking a shower with silk pressed hair is kind of tricky. You definitely don’t want the humidity to revert your curls back to the natural state, at least not yet until you are ready for wash day. So, to prevent this, wear a bonnet and a shower cap over it to protect it while you shower.


I try not to straighten my natural hair too much as well as take the necessary precautions and so far, once I wash my hair, it goes right back to its original texture. You too can achieve beautiful silky pressed hair by following all of my tips that’s listed above.



Castor Oil Pack Testimony: How I Relieved My Chronic Pain With Castor Oil

Castor oil packs are not something new, as it has been used in the olden days to treat various ailments including chronic pain, whether it is knee pain, muscle pain, or back pain. Castor oil is made from castor beans and is commonly used in folk and traditional medicine worldwide. As simple as castor oil may look, it is packed with tons of awesome benefits and the uses are endless.

Years ago, I started to have lower back pain, radiating up my spine. I would treat it with pain medication but it would eventually come back. I was getting really frustrated with this constant pain that seems to never go away for long.

I started doing some research and learned that castor oil had much more benefits than just for skin and hair. If you read my other blog posts, you will see how it helped with bald spots, thinning hair, and also helped to grow my hair.

I found a website that’s just dedicated to natural home remedies where people shared their real life experiences and testimonies from using castor oil packs for pain. I was intrigued with all these information that was new to me. I sat up late into the night reading and soaking up all the information I could find.

I decided that I would try this magical castor oil and see if people were just exaggerating. I didn’t have a castor oil pack at the time, so I got creative and made my own with what I had at home.

I applied the organic castor oil to my back, making sure to apply some along the spine. I then placed my homemade castor oil pack on my back and let it sit for at least an hour.

I got back pain relief from using the castor oil pack almost immediately. I couldn’t believe how easily it worked. However, the pain came back in a few months time.  That was still great for me since I got to experience no back pain for months.

Now I started to take it more seriously, so I kept using it whenever I felt the pain coming back, which each time the pain was less severe. I even passed this on to one of my sisters who had back pain, but I don’t think she used it.

Anyway, it’s been more than six months now and my chronic back pain is gone. I don’t know if there was inflammation in my spine or something else was wrong, but all I know is whatever it was, the castor oil pack took care of it for me and I’m so grateful.

I am so blown away by this magical oil that got rid of my pain so I decided to pass on this information that may be useful to someone else who is experiencing these debilitating chronic pain in their daily lives. Feel free to share your experiences and testimonies in the comment section.

These home remedies are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your physician, pharmacist or health care provider before using the home remedies on this website.

Natural Hair: Unlocking My Extreme Fast Hair Growth Secret

I struggled with thinning hair for a long time and always wish to have thick, long, healthy hair. I was always busy researching the different natural hair growth remedies but nothing seemed to help that much. Actually, some worked but eventually my hair would just stop growing.

I know I’m not the only one that has gone through this period in life where you just want your hair to look at least half decent, thick, long and healthy. So, now that I finally found a way to grow my hair fast, I’m about to reveal my secrets so someone else can try it and see if they can also boost their hair growth as I did.


Let me start with my favorite go-to hair growth booster, which is an all-natural remedy and something that I’ve been using for years. I always have a bottle of castor oil sitting in the midst of my other haircare products. If you are looking for extreme fast hair growth, the organic castor oil is a must-have.


I’m about to reveal another one of my extreme hair growth secrets. Get ready to take notes. Organic aloe Vera Gel, which is a well-known natural remedy for dry skin, sunburn relief, and numerous other conditions, is also the answer to your natural hair growth. I also always have a bottle of Aloe Vera gel handy.

Not only has Aloe Vera promoted faster hair growth for me, but it also kept my hair looking blacker and silkier. If you are serious about growing your hair at a crazy rate, give this a try and see for yourself.


Now, are you ready for my favorite latest hair growth secret reveal? I hope you are! Because this is the one that gave me the fastest  and craziest hair growth. And when I say it grew my hair fast, it didn’t just grow longer but also thicker and healthier.

If you have never heard about cloves, now is the time to learn about how important it is for your hair growth journey. Once again, this is all natural and effective.

Clove water cleans your scalp and eliminates dead hair follicles so that  your scalp can breathe easier and absorb all the nutrients to get your hair growing at a faster speed. It also stimulates blood circulation while providing essential nutrients.

This is the perfect remedy for those suffering from bald spots, disappearing edges, thinning hair, alopecia and other common hair and scalp conditions.

As you can see, based on the products that I talked about above, I mostly use natural products in my hair and still see great results. You don’t have to spend a huge amount of money to take care of your hair and get flowing, long, healthy hair. Just follow these hair growth tips and you’ll be pleased with how fast your hair will grow.