The Magical Aloe Vera: Shrink Under-eye Bags in the Blink of an Eye

20170625_094144Whether you’re a man or a woman you may find yourself having to deal with puffiness of the eyes or dark circles, which can make you look tired all the time. You may have tried a ton of beauty products, but all in vain. Well, as simple as it may sound, natural alternatives are here to rescue you from these unsightly under-eye bags. Although it may sound too good to be true, Aloe Vera does work like magic. That’s how powerful this humble plant is.

The use of Aloe Vera, AKA Lily of the Desert, did not just come into existence. It was around for centuries, being used by the Egyptians. The drawings of the Aloe plant has been seen on tombstones. The aim was to provide a peaceful existence until their loved ones are reborn. Those  carvings ties in well with what the plant was commonly known as in ancient times, the plant of immortality.

Aloe Vera is a versatile plant that can be used as an alternative remedy for a host of conditions, whether it’s for hair-loss, burn treatment, or puffiness of the eyes. This unique prickly plant is packed with a number of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which is essential for healthy eyes.

How to use Aloe for Dark Circles and Baggy Eyes

The best way to use Aloe Vera for baggy eyes, is to apply it under and around the eyes, or better yet, just apply it to your whole face, making sure to put an ample amount around the baggy areas of  your eyes. It also is effective in eliminating dark circles under the eyes. If you have the actual plant, just slice it and use a spoon to scrape out the clear gel, then apply it to the affected area.

Should You Wash Off Aloe Vera After Applying it?

Some people wash it off their face after letting it sit for about 25 to 30 minutes, but that’s not necessary. You can leave it on overnight so that it soaks in while you sleep. You’ll notice that when you wake up, the puffiness under your eyes is barely noticeable.

How Often Should You Use Aloe For Under-eye Bags?

You can use natural Aloe Vera until you see the results that you’re looking for.  Try using it in the mornings after washing your face and at nights before going to sleep. Depending on how severe your puffiness or dark circles are, you may have to use it for a longer period of time to see great results. Since the plant is all natural and full of health benefits, you can add it to your regular skin-care routine. Keep your face soft, beautiful and acne-free with the gel from the Aloe plant as long as it’s needed.

How Soon Do You See Results?

Depending on your skin-type, you may immediately notice a difference. Sometimes the face is so thirsty and need the moisture so much, that it soaks in the pours and immediately shrink the pours and tighten the sagging bags under the  eyes. You’ll start to see a difference in minutes after applying the gel.

Fresh Carrot Juice: Why You Should be Juicing Your Carrots

juicing carrot juice for health
Freshly Squeezed Carrot Juice

Although you may be drinking carrot juice for a long time, surprisingly, there’s a lot to know about getting the maximum amount of nutrients from it. Carrots are packed with many essential vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin K, potassium, and a lot more vitamins and minerals that  you may not be aware of. This vibrant orange vegetable is more to the eyes than its beautiful color. You’ll definitely have to give it a chance to prove its worth.

Growing up as a child, my mom always told me to eat up my carrots so that I can have healthy eyes. So, I always knew that carrots are food for the eyes. However, carrot juice has much more benefits that just strengthening the eyes and improving eye health.

Whether you eat the carrots or juice them, you’re still getting the benefits, but today, I’m going to focus on juicing. I love carrots, so every time I go to the supermarket, I have to grab a few bags of carrots. I’ve been getting my weekly dose, (sometimes every other day), of freshly squeezed carrot juice. I also add a piece of grated ginger to it, which is quite refreshing, especially in the mornings first thing before I eat breakfast.

Since carrots are already sweet, you don’t even have to put sugar in your juice. You won’t be missing out on anything if you leave out the sugar, other than a little more taste.

Is Carrot Juice Still Okay to Drink the Next Day?

Yes, it’s still okay to drink carrot juice the day after you make it. However, the vitamins in the juice are more potent when you drink it as soon as you make it. The longer it sits and get exposed to light and air, it slowly losses some of its usefulness.

Some vitamins are quickly lost when exposed to air, so it’s best to make small portions with your juice extractor. If you have to leave some for another day, you should keep the juice in an airtight mason jar.

Carrot Juice and Cancer

Researchers have found out that eating carrots or the juice can help to diminish the risk of developing cancer. This is because of it’s high antioxidant properties, which helps to eliminated free radicals from our bodies.

Are There Side Effects From Drinking Carrot Juice?

Some people are worried about drinking too much carrot juice and possible side effects. Drinking too much of the juice may affect everyone differently. Some people may experience loose bowels or may even notice a slight orange tint to their skin if they drink too much on a regular basis.

Making Carrot Juice Fun

For added benefits, carrots can also be blended with other types of fruits to make it more delicious and appealing. For example, you can add beets to carrot juice with ginger or you can mix it with milk, tip a little rum and vanilla to give it that ice-cream flavor.

Carrot juice when mixed with lemon juice, celery, apple, and ginger is a great combination which helps to cleanse the colon, while detoxifying your body. Flushing toxins from your system with these raw juices will keep you fit and healthy.


Tinnitus Relief: Natural Home Treatments You Should Know About

tinnitus relief naturalTinnitus may be something you’ve never heard about, or unfortunately, you may be dealing with the many variations of sound right at this moment. It may seem like you’re never going to get peace and quiet again, but that is not always the case. There are many different types of natural home treatments that you can use to help get relief from the annoying sounds associated with tinnitus.

Symptoms of Tinnitus

Tinnitus sufferers usually have to endure sounds such as buzzing, ringing, hissing, crickets, or roaring. Just imagine having to deal with these variations of sounds every day when you wake up, not to mention dealing with it at nights when everything is more silent.

If you’re in a noisy environment, you many not notice these annoying ringing sounds in your ears, but as soon as you reach home from a long tiring day from work, you’re suddenly hit with ringing in the ears, which can be very frustrating.

Naturally Relieving Tinnitus Symptoms

There’s a simple, yet effective tinnitus home remedy that you can use to silence your tinnitus. Apple cider vinegar is well-known for its many beneficial and medicinal purposes.

Some people have posted testimonies of apple cider vinegar for tinnitus relief. Drinking 1-2 tbsp of organic apple cider vinegar with “The Mother”, in a cup of warm water is known to lower the sound of tinnitus over a period of time.

The longer you have suffered from ringing in the ears, you’ll be able to better determine what helps to lower the sounds and what causes your tinnitus to act up. Watch for the signals, and work with your different natural healing remedies.

Sinusitis and Tinnitus

If you have sinus drip issues, the ringing in your ears can also be as a result of the fluids that drain down in your middle ear. Try doing regular sinus rinse with a Neti Pot. You can also make your own nasal rinse with natural sea salt to dry up the fluids and get rid of any ear infection.

Drowning Out the Sound of Tinnitus

Sound therapy is also an effective natural treatment for tinnitus. To block out the ringing in your ears at nights, you can use a white noise sound machine. The soothing sound will help you sleep soundly and peacefully. This is also another effective way to reduce stress, which can also contribute to elevated ringing in the ears. You can choose to listen to different soothing sounds such as rain sound or other nature sounds.

Ear Massage for Tinnitus Relief

A simple thing such as gently massaging the surrounding areas of your ear, except the ear temple, can help relieve the annoying sounds associated with tinnitus. Massaging your ears helps the sound to temporarily fade away. This could be as a result of circulation that occurs as you do your ears massage.

Relieving Tinnitus naturally may take some trial and error methods. Keep in mind that what works for someone else may not work for you.

Since it’s difficult to determine what caused your tinnitus, whether it’s from trauma, exposure to prolonged loud noise, etc., you’ll just have to try any natural remedies until something works for you. You have to keep trying and be patient, and in due time you’ll get the results you want.