Oil and Water for Dreads: The Test I Did With My Locs

I have noticed that a lot of people are questioning whether or not they should use oil and water in their locs, if it’s safe or not. Well, I decided to take a slight risk to see if my locs would look and feel the same without my regular oil and water spritz.

Part of my daily locs care routine involved spraying a mist of water mixed with essential oils, and working it into my dreads. This keeps my hair moisturized and soft.

No Water and Oil Challenge on my Locs

As a test, I stopped spritzing my locs for a week, and was not pleased with the results. The first thing I noticed was that my dreads were becoming brown.

Then another thing I noticed was that my once soft, beautiful locs were not soft anymore, but instead had a stiff, crispy feeling. Also, my locs seemed to have gotten thinner.

They didn’t have the fluffy look they usually had. Image on left was before the no oil and water test. The image on the right was after a week without oil and water. Notice how my dreads were fluffier before and they were blacker.



This is enough for me to stick to what I was normally doing, spritzing my oil and water mixture on my locs on a daily basis. If it works for me, that’s what I’m going to stick with. I don’t know about other people, but based on their hair texture, they may need to spritz every other day, instead of every day.

The Misconception of Having Dreads

Dreadlocks need love and care. Some people think that we who have locs are just lazy and don’t want to wash or care for our hair, but they are so wrong.

If you stop taking care of your locs, you will definitely see the end results sooner or later. It really shows. You can look at someone’s locs and tell if they take good care of them or not.

The Cons of No Oil and Water

If you don’t give your locs water or oil, they will get dry, brittle, and starts to break over a period of time. If you think about it, each strand of loc is intertwined with coils of hair.

If you don’t mist your hair regularly, the inner strands will not be moisturized, resulting in dehydrated hair, ending in weak, dull locs that will break easily.

Final Thoughts on Oil and Water for Locs

In conclusion, this test proved to me that water and oil is beneficial to locs. Our hair, just like our body, needs to be hydrated at all times.

Rose Water: The Secret to Naturally Toning Skin and Treating Acne

Rose water for skinI’ve used rose water for baking, and loved the delicate taste of roses, but never knew it had so many skin benefits until recently. Yes, rose water has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, that’s why many dermatologists recommend using it to treat skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, eczema, dry and irritated skin, etc.

Rose Water Positive Skin Results

Since I’ve started using organic rose water on my skin, I’ve noticed a huge difference in the appearance of my face. It’s more hydrated and softer, having a more toned look.

A Younger You With Rose Water

Rose water is not only best known for its anti-inflammatory benefits, but it’s also great for keeping your face looking younger. You will notice after using this natural skin treatment, that your face will become tighter and appear much more younger.

Rose Water as a Natural Acne Skin Treatment

Many people spend hundreds of dollars each year, trying to find a skin treatment that will get rid of their acne, but to no avail. Little do they know that the simple, yet effective organic rose water is the answer to their problems. It’s cost-effective and thanks to technology, it’s also easily accessible.

Skin Cleansing and Toning with Rose Water

It is also great to use as a cleanser. It’s mild enough to be used to clean dirt and grime for the pores without drying the moisture from your skin. As a matter of fact, it adds moisture to your skin, leaving it glowing, healthy, and beautiful.

Remove Skin Redness with Rose Water

If you have skin redness because of too  much sun exposure or caused from other skin problems such as rosacea, give rose water a try. Just make sure you buy 100% pure natural rosewater, to get the full benefits. It is critical that you get the right product, to ensure that your delicate skin is not damaged from low quality products.

Rose Water as a Mood Enhancer

Working long hours can be rough on our mood sometimes. Rose water once again comes in handy to use to revive your mood. Its mild smell is enough to get you back on track.

PMS Natural Relief

For those of you who suffer from unbearable PMS symptoms, which includes mood swings, and menstrual cramps, rose water is known to naturally relieve those symptoms. Also, use it to lift your mood if you suffer from depression or anxiety.


Coconut Oil: A Natural Way to Zap Yeast Infection

Today you will never look at coconut oil the same again. This delicious nut is packed with many health benefits, including getting rid of yeast infection. This is no surprise, since coconut oil has natural anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, as well as anti-viral properties.

Other Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

The great thing about using coconut oil as a natural home remedy, is that as long as you’re not allergic to coconut, it can be used both internally and externally.

For example, many seniors take coconut oil internally to help boost their memory. It is also known to help slow down the progression of dementia/Alzheimer’s. Also, coconut oil is beneficial for people with autism.

If you want to keep your skin looking tight and young, using coconut oil on your skin is a natural way to do so. With its anti-bacterial properties, it can help get rid of pimples, while providing moisture to your skin, keeping it soft and radiant.

Stopping Yeast Infection in its Tracks

The best way to treat yeast infection with coconut oil, is to treat it as soon as you start to notice the early warning signs. Those usually include itching, irritation, swelling, and a white thick discharge.

The Best Type of Coconut Oil for Yeast Infection

To get optimal results, it is recommended that you use organic cold-pressed coconut oil to treat your yeast infection. This way you are getting the maximum benefits, which promotes healing at a faster rate.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Yeast Infection

If you are looking for a natural alternative to get rid of yeast infection, apply coconut oil to the affected area. Apply the oil at least two times a day. If you are out and about, the best thing to do to prevent oil spots, is to wear a pantyliner.

Tip of the Day

Cut your yeast infection healing time in half by inserting the coconut oil vaginally. Want to know the trick? Pour some of the oil in a zip-lock bag, just enough to make the width about half of an inch. Fold the bag and lay it flat in your freezer, then give it some time to freeze.

When you’re ready to insert it, break of a piece and use it. This should be done preferably at night just before you go to sleep. Remember to wear a sanitary napkin or a pantyliner to catch the oil.

Depending on the severity of the infection, you may have to repeat the process for three or more days before it clears up. This is a soothing, no stress natural remedy for a yeast infection.

These home remedies are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your physician, pharmacist or health care provider before using the home remedies on this website.